Data Gathering
Critical to Program Success
Our Clients' success is directly dependent on the data we gather. A shortlist of data we gather for Clients includes:
Supplier CMRTs from direct suppliers whose products
contain conflict minerals.
Declaration Statements from Suppliers who state there
are no Conflict Minerals in their products.
The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI)'s 3TG Smelter
Reference Tables to document why we categorized
smelters the way we did and create a credible audit trail.
A list of our Client's In-scope Products with an annotation
describing the 3TGs each contains.
Supplier information, including a listing of products
containing 3TGs that are sourced by our Clients,
contact information for Supplier executives responsible
for Conflict Minerals Reporting, Form SD SEC Conflict
Minerals Report filings (when available), and
website description of the Supplier's Conflict
Minerals Program.

Data Analysis
Required for Risk Assessment
The objective of a Conflict Minerals Program is to identify and remove risk. We support our Clients by:
Identifying Suppliers who have an unacceptably
high percentage of non-conformant smelters in
their supply chain.
Performing Due Diligence on supplier CMRTs and
requesting clarifications from Suppliers whose CMRTs
fail to meet the OECD acceptance criteria.
Calculating key performance metrics and measuring
improvements year-over-year.
Evaluating the quality of each Supplier's Conflict
Minerals Program.

RCOI Reporting
Delivering Actionable Information
The quality of a company's Conflict Minerals Program is judged by the reports it makes public.
An accurate CMRT (Conflict Minerals Reporting Template) is mandatory today to maintain customer satisfaction. We ensure each Client's CMRT is correctly prepared and documented.
We update each Client's CMRT to reflect significant changes in the RMI smelter lists or to incorporate a new version of the CMRT.
Due Diligence reports are prepared as required to ensure that the program is audit-ready.
If our Client must file a Form SD with the SEC, we make sure that the Conflict Minerals Report exhibit provides the information customers and financial analysts need.
We provide our Clients with the reports they must have to understand the dynamics of their conflict minerals supply chain.
Program Management
Mandatory for Meeting Objectives

Green Status Pro delivers proactive program management to ensure each Client's objectives are met on schedule and under budget.
Green Status Pro implements a compliance infrastructure for each Client to minimize program costs while meeting SEC documentation and data retention requirements.
Clients are updated on the status of their Conflict Minerals Program with weekly status reports.